Security Camera CZ

IP & Smart Home - advanced settings

Using the advanced settings you can force the camera to present itself on the public external IP address.

What does it mean?

The external public IP address is the IP address of your home router that is connected to the Internet. Your router by default does not allow any unrequested traffic from the public Internet to devices on your home network for security reasons. But if you know what you want, you can setup your home router to allow requests from the external IP address to your camera. If you do that, you will be not limited to watch your camera only from local network.

How can I setup my home router so I can watch my camera from anywhere?

There is no simple answer. Each router has different settings, so if you don't know much about networking and router setup, ask someone who knows.

Technical data

To enable Smart Home to access the camera from public Internet, allow port 8080 on your router from external IP to the local IP address of your camera.

To enable IP camera HLS protocol to access the camera from public Internet, allow port 8080 on your router from external IP to the local IP address of your camera.

To enable IP camera RTSP protocol to access the camera from public Internet, allow port 8086 on your router from external IP to the local IP address of your camera.

Be careful

Always setup PIN for Smart Home and password for IP camera if you enable access from public Internet to your camera.

I don't understand the text above

Don't worry. Just have the switch "Present external IP address" turned off and everything will work well on your home Wi-Fi.

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