Knowledge base
Monitor user interface
After you successfully install a camera, you should see it immediately on your main monitor smartphone. You will see something like this:

You can see a preview from the camera and some icons divided into several parts. Let's show you what they mean.
1 - Main menu
By clicking on this icon a main menu opens with these options.
Adjust notifications that come from the camera.
Open a menu where you can see price for the app. Optionally you can buy the app to get rid of ads and get another advantages.
You can notice someone about this app and you can invite him to share your camera. If the person accepts the invitation, he will see what you see but he will not be able to change camera settings.
You can switch between dark mode and light mode.
Feedback is very important for us. Write us an email!
Navigate to the help pages for this app. Currently, you are here! :-)
If you want to sign out from the app, delete your account or just change between camera and monitor mode, click on this icon.
The app takes language preferences from your phone by default, but you can force the app to speak a different language.
Show info about this app.
2 - Camera's recording status
This icon provides quick information about the camera's recording status. These icons indicate following status.
This icon means that motion detection on the camera is turned on and it detects and records motions.
Motion detection is turned on, but temporarily stopped, because you are nearby the camera. This can only happen if the function "Turn off motion detection when I am nearby the camera" was turned on in the camera settings. Please note that the camera detects proximity of any smartphone that is configured as a monitor in your account. For instance, if you use two smartphones as monitors and any of these two is nearby the camera, motion detection temporarily stops. This is also valid for smartphones (monitors) of persons that you invited to watch your cameras.
Motion detection is turned on, but currently outside of the scheduled time. This can only happen when a scheduler is turned on in the camera settings.
A live stream from the camera is currently being watched. This icon appears when you or invited person watches the camera on the monitor, on a computer, in IP camera mode or on TV via Google Smart Home. Motion detection is temporarily stopped.
A preview is currently running on the camera's display. This icon shouldn't last for a long, because preview on the camera is automatically shut down after 30 seconds. During the preview, motion detection is temporarily stopped.
This icon means that the camera currently cannot capture. This happens when the camera loses access to the image sensor due to some hardware error (this error can be fixed only by restarting the camera) or because the application is not running on the camera display. You can read more about this error here.
NO ICON: If no icon is shown it means that motion detection is turned off and the camera doesn't transmit live video.
3 - Camera hardware status
In this area you can find icons that indicates the status of camera hardware.
80% Battery charging status. When the icon is green, the battery is charging. When the battery is full, the battery icon does not show.
50% Battery discharging status. When the icon is red, the battery is discharging.
25°F Battery temperature status. To see the battery temperature, turn on this option in the camera settings. Temperature units are shown in Celsius or Fahrenheits depending on the language settings of your smartphone. Basically, Fahrenheits are shown when your phone is switched to US English language.
Full storage! This message is shown when the camera lacks storage space to store the whole history. In this case, the camera automatically deletes oldest recordings to get room for new recordings. The history of recordings is thus shorter. It is recommended to clean to camera from unused data or to add an SD card to the camera to get more storage space.
4 - Status info

The colored strip on the left is shown in green if the camera is turned on and available. If the camera is currently turned off or it is offline, the strip is red.
Camera name is written as large text. You can easily rename your camera to anything you want in the camera settings.
Under the name you can see how old is the preview image from the camera. Normally, the preview image refreshes each 15 seconds, so you shouldn't see that the time is older than a one minute. If the time is older, it means that the camera is not sending fresh images. This can be because the camera is offline, it doesn't have access to the camera chip or because the date time on the camera is not correct.
5 - Action buttons
This icon gets you into the list of recordings of detected motions. If you see a yellow circle in the icon, the number there indicates number of recordings that are new for you.
Want to change the settings of the camera? Tap on this icon. When you make some new settings, this icon will rotate to indicate that the new settings is being sent to the camera.
Start a live stream from your camera. Watch online with sound what is going on the place you guard.
When this icon appears, you can use it to turn your camera on.